

Daul Yellow

Dual Yellow 是来自澳大利亚的创新型激光,获得来自美国,亚洲以及欧洲皮肤科医生认可,作为黄褐斑的黄金标准治 »

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是来自于美国最新型激光,在破坏异常色素方面非常有成效,通过破坏异常色素并使之分裂,将其从身体内排出, »

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3-Deep Tightening

When a person matures in middle age, her skin has less and less collagen and elasticity resulting in a flabby look and more wrinkles. But with the&nbs »

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Skin tightening treatments

如果您觉得自己曾经皮肤紧致,白皙透亮,但久而久之却被下垂松弛所取代。那么,您应该咨询医疗专业人士,扭 »

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CoolGlide Laser

This is innovative skin-treating laser energy. This repairs as deeply as the dermis resulting in collagen production and the elimination of the red ma »

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Reborn Skin Laser

去角质温和地研磨皮肤,帮助祛除皮肤角质,并刺激皮肤新细胞的产生,在治疗期间,会感觉到轻微的吸力,有助 »

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BI-HIFU (High Intensity focused Ultrasound)

Collagen declines with age, causing sagging skin and wrinkles to appear. HIfu is a medical technology that releases a specific ultrasonic wave into a »

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PDT (Photo Dynamic Tharapy)

ABOUT LOW-LEVEL LASER THERAPY (LLLT)Lasers are widely used in medicine and throughout a variety of industries, in a multitude of varying capacities. T »

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Soprano Ice

ONLY AVAILABLE  ON HARMONYPain-Free,  Hair-Free TM     is a state-of-the-art procedure specially designed to remove unwa »

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当年龄增加,皮肤也随之发生改变。皮肤粗糙老化,皮肤下垂,皮肤发红,毛孔粗大,毛细血管增多,眼周皱纹, »

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Skin tightenning program

ULTHERAPY紧致肌肤的过程如何产生?该设备产品将发送超声波,通过外科医生在整形外科矫正手术中执行的相同皮肤 »

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PicoSure Laser

PICOSURE 激光PICOSURE,最新型的一种激光治疗,能有效治疗雀斑,黑斑,黑头,无高热量,无疼痛,不会对皮肤造成 »

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